Executive Director’s Letter: MAY 2022
May 9, 2022

Hello Friends of Film!
It’s been a while but we have had a very busy Spring at Aspen Film! Here are a few highlights for you to enjoy, and stay tuned for some exciting Summer announcements to come!
We wrapped our
31st Oscar®-qualifying Shortsfest on April 10, concluding with a spirited and emotional Awards Dinner at Aspen’s Sports Bistro.
What an incredible week celebrating cinema from around the globe with 60 visiting filmmakers in town! You can find the full list of winners and films newly qualified for 2023 Oscar® contention here (https://aspenfilm.org/aspen-shortsfest-2022/2022-shortsfest-award-winners/) .
From April 21-24, I had the honor and pleasure of participating on the 5Point Adventure Film Festival jury. This was such a treat and what a festival they pulled together this year! Executive Director Luis Yllanes and Director of Programming Charlie Turnbull executed a first-rate event with an outstanding lineup of films, guests and events. We look forward to some collaborations together down the road, and you can check out some of their excellent offerings through Friday, May 6 here (https://5pointfilm.org/15th-annual-flagship-festival/) .
Tomorrow, May 4, we’re back at the Isis Theatre with our May Indie Showcase which you don’t want to miss – ¡VIVA MAESTRO! (https://www.metrotheatres.com/film-info/viva-maestro/)
When Conductor Gustavo Dudamel’s international tours are disrupted by deadly protests across his native Venezuela, one of the world’s finest and most beloved musicians faces a daunting set of challenges — to his commitment to the mentor who changed his life, to friends and musicians he’s led since his teens, and to his belief in art’s transformative capacity.
On May 17 I will make my way to the 75th Cannes Film Festival. Cannes was a regular stop for me on the festival circuit for 20+ years; this will be my first time back in five years and the first trip there since I joined Aspen Film in 2017. I am excited to get back on the Croisette to check out so many world premiere films making their debuts at this ever-famous event. Cannes kicks off the new film festival season so I will be looking for titles for our upcoming 43rd Filmfest (save the dates of September 27-October 2), Academy Screenings and other special programming throughout the year!
Stay tuned for our Summer of Cinema announcement, coming soon. Once again we are pulling together a lineup which runs the gamut from free family friendly screenings, to rousing and insightful collaborations with other nonprofit partners. These films, which will be presented both indoors and out, are sure to delight, inform, and spark dialogue throughout the next few months. Hope to see you there!
Want to get more involved in Aspen Film – please ask us how! We have many opportunities and can always use a helping hand. Send a note to info@aspenfilm.org (mailto:info@aspenfilm.org) and one of our staff can schedule time to chat with you about your interest.
We look forward to seeing you at the cinema!
Warm regards,
Susan Wrubel
Executive Director + Artistic Director, Aspen Film